Unwanted Heroes

This is just, well, not really a story. I might add it into something eventually, but I just wanted to share it with you guys/girls because I can?

Unwanted Heroes is the tentative name I’ve given this weird collection of superheroes who may or may not actually be villains lol.


The Tooth Fairies: An obsessive compulsive dentist and his sadomasochistic female assistant, break into people’s homes at night and perform unwanted but extremely necessary dental procedures on their patients(victims). The patients often struggle and resist, but they always give in eventually. After the patients are completely cavity free or no longer have their wisdom teeth, the Tooth Fairies take their leave.

Doctor Roadkill: A deranged veterinarian who practices necromancy on unfortunate animals he finds on his way home from work. Sadly, rather than terrifying zombies or disgusting abominations, the best he could do was resurrecting them back to the state right before they were killed. Perhaps one day, he will fulfill his wish of creating a horde of zombified monsters?

The Flush: A Hydromancer who has enough hydrokinetic powers to force a clogged toilet to flush.

Trashmob: After taking an experimental birth control pill, she developed the ability to asexually reproduce. Her clones can grow and mature to adulthood within a day, while also retaining her personality and all of her memories.

Garbageman: Was originally Trashman, but Trashmob sued him for copyright infringement. He can turn garbage into other kinds of garbage.

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