Finished a Series, “Observing the End”, 3 Volumes

[Death ain’t the end, so long as you don’t want it to be. For people who wanna die and stay dead, that’s easier said than done. But it is still kinda possible. Just like taking a long, dreamless sleep… Except, for me at least, I always have to wake up to piss eventually.

Stories do need to end eventually though. Not necessarily in the conventional sense. You know, where the author is just like “Fuck this shit, I got bills to pay, I can’t waste my time on this series that isn’t even making me any money anymore!”

Or when a series gets cancelled for political bullshit reasons that shouldn’t even exist. The most common problem is just having bad ratings or low funding. So many awesome shows ended prematurely.] Continue reading

Immortal Soul, Volume 5: Lorthon (Teaser)

Okay, I have no clue what’s up with Tapas. About a month ago, my contact with them told me that she no longer works there… Thus, she turned my stories over to her replacement. However, since then, the replacement hasn’t posted anything. Continue reading


“If thinking that two people should be in a relationship together is considered shipping, and when they actually get together, the author ‘shipped’ them… Then once they’re together, can they be considered ‘shipment’?” ~ My Brain in the Shower Continue reading

HCOP Is Being Translated

So yeah, I haven’t posted anything on here for a while because… Well, I have other things going on lately lol. Might have accidentally wrote a book or two… Been debating whether to keep the second Epilogue of HCOP or not for months now lol. Then there was a dentist appointment… Probably some other stuff happened, but I just can’t remember roflmao.


Anyway, I’m at a nexus point where a lot of my stories are kinda intertwined. So I don’t want to post anything, because that’ll make it ‘permanent’ in a sense. For the moment, I still need to deal with various things. Also, editing is a pain in the ass and I’m probably going to start writing “Immortal Soul” again soon, since Tapas is almost caught up with where I left off a few years ago.

I still have a few books that I haven’t posted yet, like volume 2 and 3 of TDD. But I just haven’t gotten around to editing them and like I said, I have a bunch of stories tied together, so I need to make sure that there aren’t any glaring plotholes or errors before I start posting them into existence lol.


I made a few posts like this already, but it’s still something I needed to talk about again… Since people usually don’t read my news-related posts anyway.

For the time being, the rest of TDoDK won’t be up on my site… I mean, I did publish the entire book on Amazon, but I also published on Tapas. As far as Amazon goes, I can do whatever I want. However, I did sign a contract with Tapas and I’m not 100% sure I’m even supposed to put this many chapters up as it is…

Anyway, here’s the link to TDoDK on Tapas: “The Diary of Destiny King

And here’s TDoDK on Amazon Kindle: “The Ebook!

For those of you who are donors or patrons, you can find the whole story in my Google Drive. Immortal Soul is the same way. If you were a donor or patron in the past and donated/pledged 10 dollars or more, then you still have access to the folder even now.

If you’re wondering why I’m doing this… It’s because it’s expensive to live lol. Not even live ‘well’, just surviving is ridiculously hard. Even with all the donations I’ve gotten over the years, it isn’t enough. And ad revenue is practically non-existent now days. For three years I’ve basically given away my stories for free, but I can’t afford to do it anymore and honestly, it wouldn’t make sense for me to do it anymore.

Of course, I doubt that Tapas will want some of my stories rofl. They haven’t even mentioned “Hardcore OP-ness” yet. I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say that it’s probably too vulgar or has too much profanity, I don’t fucking know lol.

Anyway, here, Donate if you want to… But my site doesn’t get enough traffic for me to keep all these stories up on here forever, if you know what I mean.

They Finally Arrived

No clue if this will actually work or not… But I’m trying to embed my facebook post into my wordpress post lmao.

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but WordPress only lets you have a very small amount of pictures, so I didn’t want to waste a bunch of that space with these. However, I’d like for people to be able to see it :).

The two books I ordered finally arrived… And I’m pretty excited that there weren’t any major problems that I noticed lol. At least not from my perspective as a person who has literally never read a physical book before in my entire life. I’m sure there was something I screwed up though.

Also, two books together weigh about 6.4 pounds, roughly 3 kilograms. The standard size for books was like 6×9, but after going crazy trying to format everything properly, I just said “This is good enough!” And then I picked 8.5×11, so yeah, it’s a big book lol.

TDD V1 Epilogue 1: Captain Angelos

*Author’s Note*

Welp, this is the end of Volume 1 of “Tower Defense Deities”. I mean, Epilogue 2 is going to be posted shortly after this one, but that’s the end of volume 1. I’ve written all of volume 2 already, just haven’t edited it yet. I still have volume 3 of “The Dao of Eros” that needs to be edited and posted too, so I might start doing that one next. I don’t really know. Right now I’m binge-reading “Release that Witch” and getting annoyed at how similar a lot of things in TDD are to it… But overall, it’s still pretty different lol. Continue reading