OP-ness Returns, Chapter 1: Naked and Unarmed

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PS, V1, Chapter 16: Money

“Oh my God! Holy shit! Iris, save me!” Matthew panicked and was about to run away, when he noticed that the woman totally ignored him and started sprinting over to the other side of the arena. After that, he looked at his own holographic card in the corner of his vision. Continue reading

PS V1, Chapter 15: Free-For-All

“Is this normal?” Matthew sat down near the back of the concrete room. It was slightly chilly, especially since he was only wearing a loincloth and he was excessively skinny. Continue reading

PS V1, Chapter 14: Iris

The moment he entered the game, Matthew was inside of a rusty iron cage. It wasn’t the same arena from before. This one was concrete, with the appearance of an old Earth prison. There were only two cells however, one across from the other. With a massive area in between the cells. Continue reading

PS, V1, Chapter 9: New Cards

I’m seriously considering trying to publish this book on Kindle once I finish editing it completely. The main annoying problem is that it takes forever for me to find an artist and for them to make a decent cover photo lol. Regardless, when I’m going through and editing these chapters, I barely have to ‘fix’ anything at all. It would be rather simple to put it into a document and then turn that into something to publish :).

Anyway, for those who were guessing what card he would get from the achievement…


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CC V1, Chapter 5, Part 3: Unfinished Business

“Ugh, I still haven’t found all of those bastards yet…” Before her death, she made a list of every suspect involved in her sister’s case. It didn’t matter whether they were a ‘client’ or were simply connected to the human traffickers financially, everyone who was even slightly related… Had to die. Of course, she didn’t have any powers back then. All she could do was track down the most relevant people involved: The men who actually kidnapped Alicia and the ones who eventually murdered her. Continue reading

Mass Release

Don’t expect a hundred chapters or anything ridiculous like that lol.  However, there will be about ten posts in a row. Continue reading

HCOP Book 2, Chapter 77: Another Draw

With such an absurd amount of rocket-propelled birds, there was no way for Iris, Beatrix or Violet to possibly find the ‘Demonic Emperor Penguin Emperor’ within that massive flock. Besides that, they were all exhausted from the battle and were more concerned with the safety of their allies, than trying to exterminate the innumerable pests. Continue reading