Chapter 94: Does the MC Dream?

Entering down into the basement, Talia shivered uncontrollably, as a wave of potent Darkness aura enveloped her. Then her sensitive elven ears picked up on a distant, but loud shouting: “Ow, ouch, god-damn it! Suck, not bite! I tongue-massaged the inside of your fucking tail-hole, so stop trying to tear my dick off!”

If not for the fact that Aeris herself had directly asked the ‘Innocent’ Huntress to deliver that message, she would have immediately turned around and ran away. However, her sense of duty was more important than the immeasurable fear and disgust that she was feeling, as her body slowly approached those wide-open gates.

In the distance, her lustrous green eyes could vaguely make-out two figures; one was obviously a Human Skeleton, and the other was a six-foot tall Nephilim. Seeing the name ‘Michael,’ she instantly recognized her target, but was still shocked that he had evolved into such a reviled and hated race.

Regardless of her personal feelings, she still continued to enter into the freezing Necropolis. There was almost no light in the entire place, but her ears could clearly hear a high-pitched voice yelling “This is fucking pointless! There’s no way I can fit your cock in my mouth without my teeth touching it! Grah! I don’t care anymore! Why can’t I just use my pussy?!”

The man complained “No! This is your punishment for shitting on me again! Seriously, it’s amazing that you can eat so much, but what the hell did you think would happen?! I bet you enjoyed it, right?! Three things! You can cut me, eat me, tear my balls off, or whatever; just don’t vomit, piss or shit on me! Actually, I can deal with the urine, but just not the other two!”

It was a conversation that would likely cause any ‘normal’ person to cringe. For Talia however, it was similar to bombarding her with hundreds of Arcane Bolts, whittling away at her mental defenses and making her want to run away screaming.

Yet, she managed to resolutely march forward, listening to her target yelling “Ow, ouch, ugh, ah! Damn it, just use your tongue! Gah-ah-ow~! Okay, fine, I’ll be quiet-um-um-an-ugh!” When she finally arrived, she saw the strange scene of an obsidian-skinned elven girl with bluish-silver hair, jerking her head back forth; crimson liquid was spraying out of the corners of her mouth, as she attempted to bite off the tip of the Nephilim’s ‘manhood.’

Meanwhile, a pitch-black, slimy worm-like tentacle, of about the same thickness, was being shoved into Michael’s mouth. She watched that gory scene for less than two seconds, before promptly fainting and falling onto the frozen soil to his left.

Even while gagging and in excruciating pain, he still managed to notice the unconscious woman. Then he received a message: “Arcana’s Blessing of Mental Fortitude has reached level two.”

However, he quickly ignored the High-Elf and continued ‘punishing’ the Dark-Goblin… Although, he was the one who spent the most time suffering.

After an hour, Michael was laying on his back, frozen against the ground by his own blood, while Sarah was snoring on his chest. She had succeeded in creating the second, level-one, rank-G Human Skeleton, but the process had exhausted both of them.

Mana could always regenerate relatively quickly, and Health was practically inexhaustible within the Player-Home, but Stamina wasn’t. The little girl only had fifteen points, while he had one-hundred and twenty, but the amount of energy it required for them to move their bodies was vastly different; thus, even the Nephilim was sleeping soundly, embracing his ‘Companion’ with both of his relatively massive arms.

When his wisp-form attempted to escape from his forehead, he received a notification: “Entering REM sleep, severing consciousness in three… two… one… Goodnight Player-One.”
“Michael, why do you love me?” An old memory was running through his mind; it was his first ‘real’ dream, in that new world.

He smiled at the faceless girl, “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Apparently, the data was slightly corrupted.

Large bright-blue eyes appeared, then silver hair, obsidian skin, a small nose and lips, plus relatively long and pointed ears, that curved outwards a bit. Sarah frowned, “You’re such an asshole.”

Michael told her “When did I ever say that I loved you? Wait, wasn’t your voice different a few minutes ago… Actually, since when were you so fat?”

She complained “Whaddya expect, bastard, ya keep feeding me so much cum that I’m about ta burst.” Suddenly, the balloon-like woman exploded, sending thousands of gallons of milky-white fluid everywhere.

Then he noticed a dozen beautiful cat-girls appear out of nowhere and start lapping up the viscous fluid. He looked down at his own body and saw huge pale breasts, bushy silver pubic hair and incredibly feminine, hairless arms.

It all seemed eerily familiar to a certain Feline Lesser Angel that he knew, but in the dream, he felt that it was his normal body. Then he saw a message: “Congratulations! You’re about to give birth to quadruplets!”

His abdomen started swelling rapidly, until he screamed “Ow, shit, fuck, I want some waffles!” as a gigantic green fox erupted from between ‘her’ legs. Then three more emerged immediately after that, before the four of them turned into beams of light and converged into a huge sphere.

A loud barking noise resounded, and a twenty-meter tall, completely naked, fox-girl appeared. It twirled around a few times, as sparkling lights enveloped it, and it transformed into a massive red-scaled lizard-man.

He turned around and began ‘twerking’ to the rapid heart-beat of a gigantic, glowing Human fetus in the sky. Michael heard his mother singing a song about ‘loving all night long’ and a shrill scream resounded in his left ear.

Finally, he stood up and walked into the kitchen from his old house, and started flash-frying fish fillets. He was starving, but every time he finally finished cooking one, a mysterious black-cat would materialize and steal it.

Then he looked up at the ceiling and muttered “Huh, that’s weird… could’ve sworn it used to be white…” However, at that moment, a cockroach fell into his mouth; followed by another, and then thousands of them swarmed all over his body.

“Michael, why do you love me?” He was laying on his old bed, before he had broken it, and there was a chubby girl cuddling with him. She had beautiful green eyes, and brown hair, along with a strangely intoxicating scent.

After a few moments, “I’m not sure… The moment that I saw you for the first time, I knew that we would be together. I didn’t know you, but I could already imagine this moment… Not just having sex with you, but actually falling in love.”

She kissed him on the cheek and whispered in a voice that sounded like his own: “Nothing lasts forever, especially not love… Enjoy your little harem while you can, but you know that it’s only a matter of time before they abandon you. Even those ‘Goddesses’ will be bored after a few years and throw you away. It doesn’t matter how powerful you become, or how much you give them… They’ll find someone better, stronger, more attractive, ‘nicer.’ That’s just how people are; fucking whores and manipulative assholes! They’ll pretend that they care about you… give you a place to belong, a family, and then destroy it all!”

Tears of blood were streaming down her face, as she sobbed loudly and burst into violet flames. Huge angelic wings erupted from her back, while she started floating above him, into the fiery-red sky that had seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Michael was in his Human body again, as he stood up and walked over to his computer, before sitting down and writing. However, everything that he typed was in Japanese, and he couldn’t actually read it.

Then his mother yelled down the stairs “Wake up, the house is on fire!” as the smell of bacon frying wafted through the basement.

He shouted “Go away, I’m masturbating!” before continuing to write a sex-scene between a female centaur, and a minotaur. Dozens of small black-cats and green foxes began jumping all over his body and keyboard, while barking and meowing noisily.

Finally, he heard a furious scream “Wake up and fuck me, ya bastard!” which forced the unconscious Nephilim to lazily open his eyes. There was a loudly snoring little Goblin-girl in his arms and a quietly breathing High-Elf ten or so meters to his right.

Michael stared at the ‘clock’ feature, which showed that he had only slept for less than four hours and complained “Ugh, my Stamina hasn’t even recovered by a quarter yet… I’m going back to sleep.”

67 thoughts on “Chapter 94: Does the MC Dream?

      • Pretty much this paragraph made me fear foreshadowing. “Nothing lasts forever, especially not love… Enjoy your little harem while you can, but you know that it’s only a matter of time before they abandon you. Even those ‘Goddesses’ will be bored after a few years and throw you away. It doesn’t matter how powerful you become, or how much you give them… They’ll find someone better, stronger, more attractive, ‘nicer.’ That’s just how people are; fucking whores and manipulative assholes! They’ll pretend that they care about you… give you a place to belong, a family, and then destroy it all!”

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Food for thought: how hilarious would it be when elina meets a rat or an undead rat
    or if when our Mc meets Nutrek Acornnazieth(Blood princess) its got to be magnificiently explosive ya know

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If someone uses magic to spread a disease in a city or just poisons a water/food supply and he kills a lot of people( for arguments sake lets say the city is filled w/ powerful people and the poison/ disease works on them) will the person who spread the disease/ poison get XP for it even when it spreads by itself?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course… though, it’s very, very, very, unlikely that a person could get exp in that way. First of all, most people get disease and poison resistance, or they wouldn’t survive past level 5. Then they would need to keep progressively raising them, or they would end up dying stupidly lol. Plus, there are antidotes, medicines, etc. If the target is within the same lvl range as the caster, then it’ll be really difficult for them to quickly kill the enemy with diseases or poisons in such a roundabout manner. Direct attacks with poisoned weapons or disease spells are much more effective.

      Also, without Umbra or Arcana’s protection, if someone tried to poison or spread diseases(Who is really overpowered) in a village, town, city or country belonging to Lux, she would probably just obliterate them out of irritation and just casually cure everyone roflmao.

      Otherwise, there would be super OP beings going around, wrecking shit for kicks and giggles and all the weak races would go extinct lol.

      Anyone wonder why Goliath is trapped in a cave, deep underground, and unable to even move his body? Anyone see a connection here? lol

      I’m not saying that the Goddesses ‘always’ give a fuck… but, they often have avatars living normal-ish lives in random villages. Well, it’s not really a spoiler, but just kinda common sense? It’s their ‘game’ and pissing off the GM is an easy way to get the ban-hammer lol.


  3. First things first: You have a really interesting style to write and I thank you for your story.
    I personally dislike undead like the pest that they are, but even the parts with necromancy are funny, when you tell them.
    Could you answer a few questions, of course only if they aren’t spoilers?
    If one would (only hypothetically :D) throw a nuke in the middle of the marching undead-army, how far could one be possible away to still get the experience?
    Is there a distance-limit for this kind of thing?
    Would a bomb of a caliber like “Zar” even suffice to exterminate the highranking undead (I guess the small fry would be annihilated like moths in a bonfire)?
    Just simple curiosity^^
    And a couple of chapters ago, I asked myself, if there is some meaning to it,
    that you always choose the Ouroboros symbol.

    It would be really nice, if you answer these (kind of random) questions,
    and again thank you for writing this.

    P.s. If somebody finds any grammatical errors, he can keep them,
    English isn’t my native language^^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmmm~, let’s see~… Ouroboros is nice, cause it’s basically just a circle lol. I mean, there’s usually dragons or snakes involved, which are pretty~ symbolic in their own way, but it also has a few nice meanings: Immortality, reincarnation, etc. Ankhs are similar, in that they symbolize immortality or eternal life.

      I like undead sometimes, it all depends on the situation lol. Are you asking me if a 150 gigaton nuclear bomb would be enough to kill some undead? I mean, if the sun shines on them, the low level and ranked ones will die almost instantly lol. It really depends on the situation though.

      I’m sure there’s some SSS hardcore Lich out there, who can create a barrier powerful enough to completely defend against a Tsar Bomba fired by a random person. Of course, Helel has spells that are even more powerful than that, and she might not be able to kill that undead dragon ‘Wormwood’ in one hit. There’s a chaotic pheonix in the desert at the northeastern end of the continent, which can utilize even more powerful Light Magic than Helel though.

      The distance in which a person can still gain experience is dependent on the situation. Regardless of how far away the enemy is, if you kill it yourself, you get credit. However, if someone else is the one doing the killing, you have to be close to ‘them,’ not the enemy that’s dying.

      If a sniper is shooting someone two miles away, and they’re your Companion, then you will still get exp from their kills, as long as you’re next to them. If you’re 2 miles away, fighting the enemies that they’re shooting, you would still get credit, but if you were somewhere inbetween, obviously you wouldn’t lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your time^^
        I’m glad, that you answered everyone of my questions.
        At first I thought that the one with the Bomb may be to weird to ask, but then I remembered what I just read^^
        If you have always such dreams, I would advise to check the walls for lead paint 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Even if there was lead paint, which there isn’t, it would be too late now lol. Well, my dreams are usually pretty fucking weird, but usually ‘during’ the dream, I think that everything is just completely normal roflmao. Then, after I wake up, I realize how fucked up it really was lulz.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. dude you wrote this shit? you ARE my fucking god!!!!! slept the last 2 days until 4 am reading this! You know I love your novel is not like the others and that the main character is the fucking master, hate the main characters have limitations that is not right your Michel is like the Spown but with the mentality of the joker super-OP-ness I would like to draw you to this web novel things without any commitment on your part if you want to! I FUCKING LOVE THIS NOVEL !!!!!! greetings from Mexico Im your fan!! atte: RIZZORIUS

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know right? I mean, it’s fine to have ‘some’ limitations, and there are a decent amount of them in my story… but it pisses me off so much when I’m reading a story, and the MC is constantly losing, all the fucking time, no matter how long he trains or whatever. Like, why the fuck are they always trying to solo bosses and shit when they’re 30 levels lower and can’t possibly win? Why does every xianxia have to force their MC to get their ass raped in every battle, because they keep fighting enemies who are a whole realm stronger than them? Why don’t they just get to same level so that they will be super-op?! It’s like they’ve never played a fucking game before! Okay I’m done ranting lol.

      I’m glad you enjoyed reading it btw :P.

      Liked by 1 person

      • man you are like me but you got the talent to write a very good novel and I …….. I am awesome HAHAHAHAHAHA! just joking but I create my own blog jus 5 minutes ago to uplate my owns drawings just take your time and think about it HAHAHA see you an hope news chapters mike

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well, everyone has their own specialties lol. Mine are music and writing :P, well, I’m also pretty good at cooking… I think that’s probably about it. Hmmm, I used to be pretty good at fighting, but it might just be that all the people I fought against were pussies lol.

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      • my specialty would be writing but my family always killed it by deleting my stories especially the last one by my dumb bro ranting that writing about dragons is against our religion and not to use our dad computer that he never touched. It caused my first Meltdown -.-
        I know that I had some good drafts back then especially the dragon one. Too bad I lost motivation for them since they kept being deleted. -.-

        Liked by 1 person

      • never heard of it till 14. I have 1 story hidden on a different website before I couldnt access my email accounts on hotmail for some unknown reason . Kinda irritating me. Though I can still go on website since it only needs username and different passcode. Though cant make new game accounts -.-

        Liked by 1 person

      • You don’t wanna know, also, I really don’t wanna talk about it lol. Let’s just put it into the WTFFDIJEGDI(What the fucking fuck did I just experience, God damn it!?) category.


      • :P, ugh, I wrote over three chapters yesterday, and today I haven’t even written anything yet. Well, I’ve been working on the stats/passives/spellbook of ‘Mysterious Companion Number Six’ muhuahahahaha… QQ, I think the whole team will finally be put together by at least chapter 122-123… I’m writing chapter 119 atm though, so who fucking knows what kinda bullshit might happen before then :P.


      • Thx to this chapter I had a dam weird dream last night. Even though I hadnt had a dream in months. It wasnt crazy but very weird to me since it involve me being in a popular location even though I never been there before and few other things. Though i will likely forget about it soon. yep just forgot 70% of it already.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lmfao that’s how dreams are though… They’re really fucked up at first, but then you kinda forget everything and stop caring really quickly lol.


    • I remember the last time I had a dream I was an elf fighting near a castle in a plain with a bow and then I saw a women. then I said “mother where have you been all these years?!? I thought you were dead.”. Then I woke up. It seriously freaked me out cuz it was one of most realistic dream I had and the emotions I felt were really strong. I would rate it 9.6/10 realism. I can barely remember it but the emotions had a truly strong impact on my mind. Heck I dont know a time where my emotions in RL was anywhere that strong as in the dream.

      My #1 MRD I could feel object like I was holding them in RL and felt their weight and feel myself actually running. rate it 9.9/10 realism.
      Sometimes I feel these dreams are from another life before my current one cuz its impossible, in my opinion, for these dreams to be created randomly when they feel so real and have such strong emotions that I have never felt before.

      My dream last night was closest to what current RL look like . Even my body was almost perfect replica though maybe slightly younger version by maybe a year.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, but in alternate universes and realities, the things happening in our dreams could actually be happening after, during or before the ‘time’ of our current bodies and realities. Who the hell knows if there even is temporal relationships within a multiverse anyway? I definitely remember quite a few dreams where I experienced thousands of years though… like, I was born or transported into an alternate reality with magic and shit, then I lived there for thousands of years…. but when I woke up, only a few hours had passed lol.


      • Thousands of years… dam. I think my elf one might have been like that but I only remember the end of dream with the mother.

        I was thinking that also. I also thought what if currently we are only a fragment of our soul living in this world while the other fragments are in other worlds/universes living their lives with our dreams connecting us to each other to show brief memories of their life there. Though if this is true then I hate one of those fragments cuz I saw him in bed making out with a smoking hot babe in crimson dress on a red velvet bed and it went R-18 real fast. XD ( 10/10 hot beauty. hadnt seen any women as hot as her yet or even close.)(im not jealous no really -.- )

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      • Hmmm, idk, my sex in my dreams is always fucking creepy, disgusting or just plain terrible lol. Like, imagine if I went into great detail from first person POV of what Michael and Sarah do to each-other… from both perspectives at the same time. Then include a bunch of other cracked out nonsense.

        Btw, rather than a fragment of our souls actually existing within the various realities, I think it’s more like our souls are connected to our brains, but not actually part of this universe. Like, at any given time, the connection could be severed, and someone else’s soul could connect. Well, I don’t think that happens often though… but I definitely don’t remember most of my childhood. Hell, I acted like a completely different person after every traumatic event in my life. Also, before I started dating my ex-girlfriend, I acted completely different than after I fell in love with her, and after we broke up, it was like my personality reset to what I was like before we met. Roflmao, of course, who the fuck knows the truth about any of this kinda shit anyway?


      • Feel bad for whatever being had to make all these super complicated laws of the multiverse and such. Bet it was a pain in the ass.

        you bring up a good point. its like someone changing channels of Tv or turning it on and off randomly. thats what I think of childhood. My oldest memory was when I was almost 5 and I said this question “Who the Hell am I and who is the kid Im chasing?”. I realized my name and person I was chasing was my bro and then few mins later my mind black out to my 6 year old birthday and kept having those black-outs till I was like 13 and somehow I got 5 siblies before I knew what happen. Heck I cant even remember my second sis before she was 5-6 years old . Was very weird and I couldnt understand it till I heard someone say the Tv reference.

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      • Feel bad for whatever being had to make all these super complicated laws of the multiverse and such. Bet it was a pain in the ass.

        you bring up a good point. its like someone changing channels of Tv or turning it on and off randomly. thats what I think of childhood. My oldest memory was when I was almost 5 and I said this question “Who the Hell am I and who is the kid Im chasing?”. I realized my name and person I was chasing was my bro and then few mins later my mind black out to my 6 year old birthday and kept having those black-outs till I was like 13 and somehow I got 5 siblies before I knew what happen. Heck I cant even remember my second sis,who is 2nd youngest, before she was 5-6 years old . Was very weird and I couldnt understand it till I heard someone say the Tv reference.

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    • Liz? Lux hasn’t had any other romantic relationships for like, eons rofl, which is pretty depressing when you think about it. Nah, Lux probably had nothing to do with his dreams, or any of the other Goddesses for that matter… It was just a fairly ‘normal’ dream: for him at least lol.


    • I think that was Chaos not Lux doing the dream. Read the dialoge cuz its similar to what Chaos said some 10 chapters ago.
      I think Chaos is currently best goddest to be one of Mike lovers so far since she seems more honest then the others we have seen so far.

      I cant wait to see Mike become strong enough to take over the System which I think will help him catch the 9 gods since it contains most of their power. Then he will be the Ultimate Harem God.

      If you want love to last forever Chaos then why not make a love/harem skill or something that will manipulate your and the target mind? XP

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      • Hmmm, well, it could just be a normal dream for him? Although it could be slightly influenced by sleeping in the Necropolis, while being of the Light Affinity lol.


    • Well, shit and vomit do freak him out a lot. Although, Willpower does help a bit lmao, plus Arcana’s Blessing of Mental Fortitude. I had some pretty fucking disturbing dreams last night though…


      • shit and vomit bother me too so i know how he feels lol, i think hes still a bit traumatized from the cat evolution scene tho

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      • Probably, he’s probably subconsciously traumatized by all kinds of crazy nonsense… I mean, that creepy ass speech at the end, in his own voice, from the mouth of his ex-girlfriend from the other world… lol

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    • Chapter 95 and 96 will be coming out later than normal lol. I accidentally stayed up way too long, and forgot that I didn’t edit or schedule them… Maybe I should just edit the rest of the story and schedule it all? Muhuahahahahaa… no, that would kinda fuck things up for a few reasons. Anyway, sleepytimez~!


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