Editing Is Hard

Yeah, lately I’ve been focusing on turning “The Diary of Destiny King” into an ebook.  I already edited it all once, but that obviously isn’t enough lol. Continue reading

I Finished Writing The First Book of TDoDK

Seriously, it’s just like… I don’t know how to explain the feeling you get after ending a book lol.  No, maybe I can? Continue reading

Different Kinds of Endings

So as I’m working on the ending for “The Diary of Destiny King”, I suddenly had the inspiration to write a little bit about the different kinds of endings that I’ve seen and read in other stories. Continue reading

A Song?

Do you ever just randomly write a song?  Do you ever have no clue what to do with that song afterwards? Continue reading

More Eye Problems


Okay, so that ‘break’ didn’t work, because I never really took a break… FML  I just didn’t edit or post anything, I still wrote like 6 or 7 pages and read a decent amount. Continue reading

My Eyes Again

Sigh, my eyes are so tired, but the rest of me is totally awake… I think this might be because I’ve been writing so much lately. It happens like every time I start a new novel and write/read/edit all day every day. Like, I want to write loads of stuff, but my eyes don’t want to cooperate rofl. I think I’m gonna take a break from posting anything today.

I’ve basically been posting every single day for a while now without even thinking about it… But I just can’t today, ’cause I can’t edit while ‘listening’ to it…

By the way, I’m currently writing Chapter 8 of “The Diary of Destiny King” and I’m 8 parts into it so far.  Pretty sure I’ll be finished tomorrow and hmmm~, geez, the first book is almost over lol.  Well, I’ve only posted 3 chapters, but you get what I mean :P.

I really hate eye-strain… Well, here’s some music you might like lol.

A Re-Post of Sorts

Okay, so I’m mainly re-posting this because of the anniversary of Steve Irwin’s death, but also because the last post was a really long time ago and the first half of it was about stuff that was happening back then.

This is the ‘left?’ side of the shed.  Pretty sure that top window isn’t real, but I’m not 100% sure lol.  In the bottom picture, it’s the real window and door of the shed.  She painted this back when ‘Steve Irwin‘ died… so 10 years ago.  Sigh, I miss that guy :(.

Old house paintings 2

Continue reading


I decided to put “The Diary of Destiny King” on Wattpad lol. Continue reading

New Computer

After all this time, I’ve finally gotten a new computer!  I seriously agonized over getting a new computer for so long that I thought “Maybe this is it?  Maybe I’ll never get something new until this old thing literally falls apart?” Continue reading